Thursday, March 30, 2017

Beauty Lessons

Beauty Defined By Media
Description of an honest, confident person who reflects their appearance with their personality. The true inner values of a person along with the natural physical appearance of a person. The more real someone is, the more beautiful the person becomes.
1. Media sets standards on beauty
2. Almost every picture has some form of Un-Natural beauty
3. People don't see natural beauty they see the fake beauty

Beauty Defined By Gender
A person’s qualities are natural and true and their personality is genuine.

1. Gender does not determine beauty

2. People can be beautiful no matter what gender

3. Gender does not set standards of beauty
Image result for beauty defined by age

Beauty Defined By Culture

Beauty viewed in the eyes of a culture is the value set for that group

1. Beauty is different in every culture

2. Beauty is not a set value it changes

3. Cultures have a different standard of beauty
Image result for new zealand face tattoo meaning

Beauty Defined By Age

Beauty is a term used to compare people’s outside appearance and influence others.

1. Age does not define beauty

2. Age is just a number

3. You can be beautiful at any age

Beauty Defined By History

Beauty should not be defined on how you look but rather how self confident you are in yourself.

1. Beauty has changed through history

2. Beauty is not defined by history

3. History has defined beauty

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


We have faced the danger of attacks. Even though it seems very impossible the threat is still there. Things happen and civilian attacks are happening more often now. We think that it would never happen to use but we still face the fear of it. There is no comparison to the way the people in the book Night felt. Even though we have a very concerning fear the fear they faced is beyond understanding. What we have went through at the age 15-16 does not compare to what Ellie went through.